Thursday, August 27, 2009

they weave magic and for 25 mins we were deaf...

we came and we watched a show that lasted 25 silent minutes.
we sat in there and we experienced for that 25 minutes what it would be like
if we were born deaf.
what it would be like if we were born able to hear then due to some illness we lost the sweet sounds around us.

they showed us that language is not needed for us to see what goes on around us.
no age limit for a keen sense of humor.
and creativity exist in all living things....

after the show, we are privileged to get up, clap and walk out.
we can hear again...
but for them...
it an ordinary day of their life and they go back to it.

so what have we learn from it?
what did we achieve?

did we help them in any way at all?
or in the end did they help us hear a little better of what
they were actually trying to say...

I have a dream....
a fantasy
to help me through reality..
and my destination, makes it worth the while
pushing through the darkness still another mile

I believe in angels
something good in everything I see
I believe in angel,
when I know the time is right for me,

I'll cross the stream...
I have a dream...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

to be or not to be... in the spotlight?

Do we really want to stand there? under the spotlight? being watched? being observed with such intensity?

every little movement matters... every little gesture, a sigh, a flicker of the eye, is the story said in silence...

Fun and free... and colorful, isnt this what holidays are its suppose to be...?

The childrens theatre camp in klpac, even the facilitATORS had fun too... hee hee hee!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

SOUNDS OF SILENT DREAMS ... ( the story)

Once there was a quiet, shy and timid young man named Ah Goon who lived alone in his little one room flat. He writes story books for children and comes home everyday very late and tired. His room is very simple and has the basic single bed and a standing bedside lamp, but his most prized possession is his Ah Ma's old cuckoo clock.

It was a long and uneventful day, Ah Goon comes home tired and bored, looks around at his little room before getting ready to go to bed.
He walks to the cuckoo and picks up his Ah Ma's picture, looks at it for a while, place a rose beside it, and wishes her happy birthday.

He then goes off to bed.

The clock strikes three AM as it does every night but this night, something happens unexpectedly.
The wooden cuckoo bird after cooing suddenly becomes alive and mischievously casts a spell onto all the furniture making them all come alive and run away.

Ah Goon wakes up and is both surprised and scared.

The mischievous cuckoo bird creeps away.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Sounds Of Silent Dreams, by the YMCA

“A single thread in a tapestry, Through its color brightly shine, Can never see its purpose, In the pattern of the grand design ..”
from the song by Brian Stokes Mitchell - Through Heaven's Eyes

I belief our worlds are all entwined, one way or another. And our thoughts and aspirations, our dreams, our fears, our hopes, they are similar in more ways that one.

When I first set foot at the YMCA, and introduced myself, it was difficult. I was a new face and unfamiliar to them. There was that common wall, the distant and suspicious curtain.

Months passed and as we played and trained together, our hearts and our conversations warmed. We questioned, asked, challenged, persuaded, even applied gentle pressure to make them step out and into a common ground where we are all equal.

So, the first thing we decided to drop was language and signing. We had to give them the confidence to see things with a more daring and imaginative mind.
Not to stop and limit themselves just because. They think these things that we talk about is not for them, “we cannot do things like that....” was often their reply.

We helped and tried to understand each other, without the actual sign language but with the use of acting skills to communicate, more like charades!

Along with the laughs, we had a good time and the walls came down fast. Minds opened up and it made us all equal in a simple way. All expectations were put aside, with trust now at hand, thats when the putting together of the story began.

We ask them to share with us their fears and take us inside their minds, their dreams, their joy and their funny perspective of things, the way they take in sorrows as life deals them their cards. I learned a lot from them, their fierce independent spirits, simplicity and their steel determination .

All I can say is that it was a thrilling journey, to see them all unfold and step up and out and tell their stories. All their early “No's became Yes, we can...”
Its a project I would gladly take on again, and I am glad I got the chance to work with all these beautiful, talented and wonderfully creative, natural and free spirited friends from the YMCA, hearing and non hearing alike!

Thank you.

Adel Lina Yap

Adel is trained at SRI NANDHIGESWARAR Academy, as an Indian classical dancer and was an Art Director in the Advertising World for more than 10 years. She has also been a lecturer in a few Art colleges. Her main passion is her outreach programs in which she wishes to expand further by using theatre as the main tool.