Friday, April 30, 2010

Zen Zen Zo Training Room documentary

something I wish to see X body achieve... the x presive body in movement full of instinct inspired emotions... raw, physical energy, of course here in Malaysia we must minus the nudity ... hee hee hee

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

There's no more need to pretend Cause now I can begin again

For we are all that is left
The echo bounces off me
The shadow lost beside me
There's no more need to pretend
Cause now I can begin again....

yes, now I can I guess...
as the days pass.. little by little my memory unfolds...
and all of a sudden I recall my first performance
at the age of 5, I was dancing to the Malay folk song, a
rubber tapper girl, with my 2 pails on a wooden stick...
then it was at the age of 10 to the musical "Oklahoma"
then in a few more pantomimes, bits and pieces here and there....

was there the passion then? dancing as a young adult in my Jazz classes
the heat of Fame, the movie and flash dance...

yes, there was, I guess it was snuffed out,
now at 43, I guess I can begin again...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

a new playground...

Monday, February 22, 2010

a new year .. a new friend ... a new page expressed

Butoh Workshop By Yukio Waguri ( Japan)

openness, technique,interaction,
self recharging, growing, metamorphosis,

18.08.09 @ klpac studio

Friday, February 5, 2010

my own little journey...

towards my little heart, retracing the little steps I used to do, the little jumps and skips, of love and joy, of praise and dance and song right from the depth of my little soul....